



Associate Dean of 教师; Professor of 心理学


电话号码: (334) 833-4318
办公地点及/或地址: 花卉厅213b室


  • Ph.D.北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校发展心理学教授
  • M.A.北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校发展心理学教授
  • B.A.密歇根大学安娜堡分校心理学教授


Dr. 克里斯汀·科平完成了博士学位.D. 并在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校获得硕士学位, 她在那里担任助教, 教练, 和 supervisor for the undergraduate independent research course; 和 Bachelor of Arts in psychology at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.  She has published 和 presented on a variety of topics related to the influence of gender 和 比赛 on perceptions of adolescents.  She is a member of the Society for 研究 in Child Development 和 the Society for 研究 in Adolescents.

  • 杰出教师奖,十大菠菜靠谱平台,2024年
  • 模范教师奖,十大菠菜靠谱平台,2018年
  • Julia Lightfoot Sellers Award for Excellence in Teaching, 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, 2015


  • NetVUE重新构建机构传奇补助金(总计40美元),000 over two years) 2021-2023; duties included: Chair of grant-writing committee
  • 斯宾塞基金会教育科学与政策奖学金,2007-2008
  • Office of Undergraduate 研究 Fellowship (served as a mentor to an undergraduate honors psychology student), 2006–2007
  • 教学与学习中心未来教师奖学金计划,2006年


  • 啊,斯金纳. D.Kurtz-Costes B.乌列里奇,H., 抓住,K. E., & 罗利,年代. J. (2021). Race differences in Black 和 White adolescents’ academic gender stereotypes across middle 和 late adolescence, 文化多样性与少数民族心理学, 27(3), 537-545.
  • Kurtz-Costes B., 抓住,K. E.罗利,S. J., & Kinlaw C. R. (2014). Gender 和 age differences in awareness 和 endorsement of gender stereotypes about academic abilities. 欧洲教育心理学杂志, 29, 603-618.
  • 抓住,K. E.Kurtz-Costes B.罗利,S. J., & 木材、维. A.  (2013). 种族刻板印象意识和认可的年龄和种族差异; 应用社会心理学杂志, 43(5), 971-980.
  • 埃文斯,. B., 抓住,K. E.罗利,S. J., & Kurtz-Costes B. (2011). Academic self-concept in Black adolescents: Do 比赛 和 gender stereotypes matter? 自我与同一性, 10, 263-277.
  • 木材、维. A.Kurtz-Costes B., & 抓住,K. E. (2011). Motivational pathways to college for African American youth: A test of expectancy-value theory.  发展 心理学, 47, 961-968.


  • 抓住,K. E., & 年轻,W. J. (2020). 远程教学:远程峰会的亮点. Presentation to the faculty of 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 at the July (Zoom) faculty development workshop, 蒙哥马利, AL.
  • 抓住,K. E., & 斯泰尔斯T. S. (2019). 隐性性别/性别偏见. Presentation to the students 和 faculty of 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 as a part of Title IX programming, 蒙哥马利, AL.
  • 抓住,K. E., & Mugno,. P. (2018). 高成就,高压力? Presentation to the Honors Program students of 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 as a part of the fall Hawk Squawk series, 蒙哥马利, AL.
  • 抓住,K. E., & Mugno,. P. (2018). 学习,记忆和成功. Presentation to the students of 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 as a part of the spring Hawk Talk series, 蒙哥马利, AL.
  • 抓住,K.E. (2017). 隐性性别/性别偏见:它是什么?  你能做些什么呢? Presentation to the students 和 faculty of 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 as a part of Title IX programming, 蒙哥马利, AL.
  • 抓住,K. E., & Scrivner,. L. T. (2015). 课堂内隐思维. Presentation to the faculty of  十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 at the September faculty development workshop, 蒙哥马利, AL.
  • 抓住,K. E.Kurtz-Costes B.伍德,D。., & 啊,斯金纳. (2013). 种族差异的发展 黑人和白人青少年的学术性别刻板印象. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of 研究 in Child Development, 西雅图, WA.
  • 啊,斯金纳.Kurtz-Costes B., 抓住,K. E.伍德,D。.帕金斯,K., & 罗利,年代. (2013). 黑人青少年的性别认同:预测因素和结果. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of 研究 in Child Development, 西雅图, WA.
  • 木材、维.Kurtz-Costes B., 抓住,K. E., & 啊,斯金纳. (2013). 父母对孩子的看法 青少年的数学能力, 青少年对数学能力的自我认知, 和 youths’ intentions to pursue coursework 和 careers in math: A study of African American families. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of 研究 in Child Development, 西雅图, WA.
  • 木材、维.亚当斯,L。., 抓住,K. E.霍夫曼,A.Kurtz-Costes B.帕金斯,K.斯金纳,O., & 罗利,年代. (2013). Gender differences in African American youths’ math 和 science self-concepts across school transitions. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of 研究 in Child Development, 西雅图, WA.
  • 抓住,K.E.斯金纳,O.斯温顿,A.哈金斯,T.Kurtz-Costes B.  (2011).  Gender differences in the academic stereotypes 和 interests of black 和 white adolescents.  Poster to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for 研究 in Child Development.  加拿大蒙特利尔.
  • 啊,斯金纳., 抓住,K.E.哈金斯,T.斯温顿,A.Kurtz-Costes B.  (2011).  黑人青年的种族和性别学术刻板印象背书.  Poster to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for 研究 in Child Development. 加拿大蒙特利尔.
  • 史温顿,.哈金斯,T.Kurtz-Costes B.科平,K.E.  (2011).  Valuing of math 和 English, course-taking 和 career expectations in African American youth.  Poster to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for 研究 in Child Development.  加拿大蒙特利尔.
  • 抓住,K.E.Kurtz-Costes B.罗利,S.  (2010).  种族刻板印象认同和意识的年龄和种族差异.  Presentation for the Carolina Seminar on Behavioral 研究 with Minority Populations.  教堂山,北卡罗来纳州.
  • 木材、维.Kurtz-Costes B.科平,K.E.  (2010).  Motivational predictors of high school completion 和 college enrollment among African American adolescents.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for 研究 in Adolescence.  费城,宾夕法尼亚州.
  • 抓住,K.E.Kurtz-Costes B.罗利,S.J.  (2009).  种族刻板印象认同和意识的年龄和种族差异.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for 研究 in Child Development.  科罗拉多州丹佛市.
  • 抓住,K.E.Kurtz-Costes B.伍德,D。.A.罗利,S.J. (2008).  性别和种族差异在性别刻板印象的发展.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for 研究 in Adolescence.  芝加哥,.
  • 木材、维., 抓住,K.E.,库克,J.Kurtz-Costes B. (2008).  Parents’ expectations 和 adolescents’ school engagement in African American families.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for 研究 in Adolescence, 芝加哥,.
  • Kurtz-Costes B.罗利,S.J., 抓住,K.E.伍德,D。.好吧,N.A.哈里斯-布里特,A.  (2007).  Middle school adjustment in African American youth: gender 和 school contextual effects.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for 研究 in Child Development.  波士顿.
  • 泰勒,我.C.巴奈特,M.A., 抓住,K.E.,最长的,K.C.  (2007).  Predicting parental emotion language during a storybook reading task with toddlers.  Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for 研究 in Child Development.  波士顿.
  • 埃文斯,.B., 抓住,K.E.罗利,S.J.Kurtz-Costes B.  (2006).  哪个群体很重要? Relating beliefs about the academic abilities of 比赛 和 gender in-groups 和 out-groups to the academic views of black adolescents.  在国际自我会议上发表的海报.  密歇根州安娜堡.
  • Kurtz-Costes B., 抓住,K.E.罗利,S.J.  (2006).  Academic gender stereotypes 和 perceptions of competence in young adolescents.  在自我会议上发表的海报. 密歇根州安娜堡.


  • 儿童发展研究学会(SRCD), 2007 -至今
  • 青少年研究学会(SRA), 2006 -至今


  • 顾问编辑教育al 心理学: An International Journal of Experimental 教育al 心理学 2016-2018; Duties Included: Reviewing assigned manuscripts (up to 10-12 per year) 和 making recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief
  • 数据顾问, Better Choices Wellness, Nurture the Nurse Program 2013-2016; Supervisor: 黛博拉·李博士.D., RN; Duties Included: Providing consultation on data collection 和 analysis options, 数据输入和分析, 用于研究报告的写作结果
  • 研究实验室经理大学心理学系. of North Carolina 2010-2011; Supervisor: Beth Kurtz-Costes博士.D.; 职责包括:组织和运行每周的实验室会议, 调度事件, 分配任务, 监督研究生和本科生的表现, 协调项目细节
  • 研究助理大学心理学系. of North Carolina 2005-2011; Supervisor: Beth Kurtz-Costes博士.D.; 职责包括:数据收集, 参与者保留, 激励管理, 数据输入和分析, 准备研究报告
  • 研究助理大学心理学系ersity of Michigan 2003-2005; Supervisor: 拉姆·马哈林厄姆博士.D.; Duties Included: Managing data collection at the university 和 in the community, 数据输入和分析, 创建数据的可视化表示, 协助准备出版稿件

