No new students are being accepted into the Hobbs Honors Program at this time.


"多给谁,就向谁多要"  — Luke 12.48 If you delight in the exploration of knowledge; if you enjoy finding the connections among academic disciplines; if you respond to challenge and revel in serious reflection about ideas; if you want to discover how to use your gifts in vital service to others, we encourage you to explore the opportunities offered through Huntingdon’s Joyce and Truman Hobbs Honors Program. 以蒙哥马利两位最杰出的市民命名, 已故的杜鲁门·霍布斯法官和已故的. Joyce Hobbs, Huntingdon’s unique honors curriculum asks students not only to seek high personal academic achievement, 但也要问这样的成就如何为他们所生活的世界服务.


The Joyce and Truman Hobbs Honors Program at Huntingdon College encourages students to embrace the social nature of knowledge through enriched classroom experiences and challenging civic service. 被要求致力于“信仰”的崇高理想, wisdom, and service,” Honors students will better understand their responsibility to humankind in Montgomery and around the world.


Admission to the Honors Program requires an application that demonstrates a clear and strong record of academic success, 高中平均成绩不低于3分.75分或最低ACT综合成绩25分. 入学后不能参加荣誉课程. Applicants selected for the Joyce and Truman Hobbs Honors Program will be notified on a rolling basis.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the director of the Honors Program, Dr. Tom Perrin.


  • 荣誉指定时数要求:
    • Completion of eighteen (18) semester credit hours of Honors-Designated core courses, 包括至少一门生物学荣誉指定课程, Chemistry (CHEM), Mathematics (MATH), or Physics (PHYS).
  • 超出荣誉指定学时要求的课程:
    • Completion of twelve (12) semester credit hours of 300- or 400-level courses outside of one’s academic program (that is, courses that are not required for completion of the 通识教育核心课程 and are not eligible to count toward one’s major), 必须以“C”或更高的成绩完成.
      • Successful completion of two majors or an external minor (one that entails at least twelve semester credit hours not eligible to count toward the student’s major) fulfills this requirement.
      • 成功完成中等教育教育者预备课程, 生物化学健康预科专业, 或细胞生物学预健康专业满足这一要求.
      • Students whose required program of study (courses required for completion of the 通识教育核心课程 and the major) exceeds 108 semester credit hours may petition to have this requirement reduced to the number of hours remaining for degree completion.
  • 荣誉座谈会要求:
    • Required attendance at three honors colloquia (or approved substitutes) per year.
  • 社区服务要求:
    • Forty (40) hours of voluntary community service across the student’s time at Huntingdon.
  • Grade Point Average Requirements: Program completion Grade Point Average (GPA) requirements:
    • Minimum of a 3.5 cumulative GPA;
    • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA in general education core courses used to satisfy requirement number 1 listed above with a grade of “C” or higher in each course
    • In order to keep all honors students apprised of their progress towards completion of the Honors Program, Honors status will be evaluated at the end of each academic year and communicated to Honors students via email by May 31st.


*At least one of these classes must be taken to fulfill your Math/Science requirement for Honors.
BIOL101H 生物学原理荣誉
CHEM105 General Chemistry I
MATH255 Calculus I
PHYS151H 物理学概论
PHYS251 General Physics I
ENGL105H 大学写作导论
ENGL106H 跨学科写作荣誉
ENGL 203 英语批判视角
RLGN101H 荣誉解释旧约
RLGN102H 荣誉解释新约
RLGN309 先知书(希伯来圣经)
RLGN313 Wisdom & 诗歌文学(希伯来圣经)
RLGN315 种族和旧约
RLGN323 保罗和他的书信(新约圣经)
RLGN325 General Epistles
CMST201H 传播学概论
HIST111H 尊重世界文明I
HIST112H 世界文明荣耀II
MUSC240 音乐历史与文学导论
PSCI209H Honors World Politics
SSPE332 Sociology of Sport
*The 300-level RLGN courses and SSPE332 may be used EITHER to fulfill requirement #1 (18 hours of Honors courses) OR requirement #2 (12 hours of courses a the 300 level or above outside one’s program) but not both. **我们的许多荣誉课程的学生都利用了双招生的优势, AP courses, 和其他机会在他们进入十大菠菜靠谱平台之前. Please be aware of the following policies for counting credit earned elsewhere towards Honors:
  • AP学分可能不计入荣誉核心要求.
  • Courses transferred in from a previous institution do not transfer in with an H designation (i.e. BIOL101H, HIST111H等.),因此不能算作荣誉课程.
  • The following courses, 在没有H级的情况下满足荣誉要求, may be counted towards the Honors Core if they transfer in with a grade: CHEM105, ENGL203, MATH255, SSPE332, 以及上面列出的300级圣经课程.
  • Students with extensive AP and transfer credit for Core courses may be eligible to reduce the 18 hours requirement; their advisors should contact the Director of the Joyce and Truman Hobbs Honor Program for details.


作为一名荣誉学生,你将成为特殊学习社区的一员. 你的荣誉同学会鼓励你, challenge, and support you; your Honors professors will inspire and engage you; special Honors events will refresh you; and your Honors program directors—Tom Perrin—will cheer you and encourage you along the way. Your work will be recognized with an Honors designation on your degree at graduation.


有兴趣的学生可以联系荣誉课程主任, Dr. Tom Perrin.
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